How Long After a Tooth Extraction Can I Eat?

Tooth extractions are very common, and side effects are rare. You can expect to eat within a couple of hours after the local anesthesia has worn off. However, you should not eat anything hard or crunchy for at least the first two weeks. For more complicated extractions, such as impacted wisdom tooth removals, you should eat soft food for up to six weeks. 

Healthy, Soft Foods to Eat After Tooth Extraction

The area surrounding the extracted tooth will be tender for a few days following a tooth extraction. As such, you should plan to stick to a soft food diet. However, you must drink lots of fluids to remain hydrated.


Soft foods that are both healthy and safe to eat following a tooth extraction include things like soup (served lukewarm), yogurt, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes or mashed sweet potatoes, smoothies, applesauce, oatmeal, mashed vegetables, fish, ground or pulled chicken, or pasta.


You should avoid crunchy, or hard foods like chips, popcorn, and crusty bread. Likewise, avoid all foods that may become stuck in the extraction site such as corn, nuts, and seeds.

Dos and Don’ts Following a Tooth Extraction

Whether you have a single tooth removed, or several teeth removed, certain activities must be avoided for at least the first 48 hours. These include:

  • Drinking hot beverages (coffee, tea, cocoa)
  • Smoking
  • Vaping
  • Using any type of smokeless tobacco
  • Using a straw 
  • Using mouthwash
  • Poking or probing the extraction site
  • Vigorous exercise
  • Brushing the extraction area


To aid in a swift, healthy recovery, follow these tips:

  • Manage discomfort with an over-the-counter pain medicine such as Tylenol, or an anti-inflammatory such as Advil
  • Use an ice pack or cold compress on the outside of the face for 24 hours to reduce swelling
  • Practice good oral hygiene (avoiding extraction sites)
  • Rest and relax as needed
  • Take your medication exactly as prescribed


Your periodontist will provide you with written post-surgical instructions. Be sure to follow these recommendations. If you have any concerns that the extraction site is not healing properly, notify your periodontist.

Tooth Extractions in Belmont, MA

Schrott Perio Implants provides comprehensive periodontal care, including extraction of hopeless teeth. If you need to have a tooth or several teeth removed, or you’re preparing for dental implants, schedule an appointment by calling 617-484-9240. You may also send us a message to request a consultation.