How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

If you’re interested in the longest-lasting dental restoration to restore missing teeth, you’re ready to consider dental implants. Dental implants are extraordinarily durable, often lasting several decades or even your entire lifetime. So, why do dental implants last so much longer than bridges or dentures? Read on to learn why dental implants are the gold-standard dental restoration for missing teeth.

Dental Implants: The Only Restoration that Replicates Natural Tooth Function

Dental implants are unique in that they are the only restoration available that mimics both the natural visible part of the tooth (crown) and also the natural tooth root. When the implant (also known as a post or a screw), is surgically placed in the jawbone, the human body reacts the same way that it reacts to a natural tooth root. The bone and soft tissues begin to grow up the implant, effectively fusing with it.


This fusion process (called osseointegration) takes several months to complete. However, once it is done, the result is an incredibly durable implant which is then ready to support a permanent crown, bridge or prosthesis. 


The dental crowns that are affixed to the dental implants match your other teeth in size, color, and shape. Because of the strength of the dental implants, patients enjoy a restored bite force, chewing and speaking abilities, and a safeguard against myriad oral health problems.

Oral Hygiene at Home is Essential for Long-Lasting Dental Implants 

It is important for those who are considering dental implants to know that the durability of dental implants will largely depend on oral hygiene habits. Take care and clean your implants the same way you would your own teeth. You will also need to floss your teeth daily using dental floss, a proxybrush and when indicated a waterpik. 


Importantly, you must see your dentist two to four times a year for professional cleanings. Although good oral hygiene habits are essential for keeping your mouth healthy, they must be complemented by professional cleanings and oral examinations every three to six months.


8 Benefits of Dental Implants

In addition to lasting decades or longer, dental implants offer even more benefits, when compared to other dental restorations, such as dental bridges or dentures (unless the bridge or denture is supported by dental implants).


  • Dental implants preserve the jawbone
  • Dental implants prevent a diminished facial appearance around the mouth
  • Dental implants are cavity-resistant
  • Dental implants are largely stain-resistant 
  • Dental implants reduce the risk of additional tooth loss
  • Dental implants help to preserve gum health 
  • Dental implants improve self-confidence, self-esteem, and quality of life 

Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants 

Will I need bone grafting to get dental implants?

You may. It often depends on how long you’ve been without a tooth and on your jaw anatomy. The longer you go without a tooth, the more the jawbone recedes. If you do not have sufficient jawbone to support the implant, you will need to have a bone graft placed before or while receiving dental implants.

What are the risks of dental implants?

All surgeries carry some risks, including bleeding, infections, injury to surrounding tissues, or implant failure. These side effects are rare, particularly when you select a highly recognized implantologist for your surgery. Schrott Perio Implants is a specialty practice that has been placing dental implants since 2003. Dr. Schrott is a diplomate of the American Academy of Periodontology and a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology.  


Schedule a Consultation for Dental Implants in Belmont, MA

If you’re ready to learn more about how dental implants can improve your life, restore your smile, and safeguard your oral health, schedule an appointment at Schrott Perio Implants in Belmont, MA. Call 617-484-9240 or send us a message to request a consultation.